Entries by martin

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Caotica helps to identify vision and goals

Caotica’s strategy process helps to identify an organisation’s vision and goals, evolving a clear roadmap to deliver against its overall business objectives. This roadmap can work across various digital channels including web, mobile, social, eCommerce and SEO through a single, consistent focus on user centric design.


Death to the QR code

Over the past few years, “QR codes” — those square, mobile barcodes — have started to show up in some U.S. advertising. hile QR codes are cute and novel, and may be big in Japan, they’re not the future of advertising here. So it’s time to drop them.

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Usability testing. How to?

Many designers come to me for usability testing consulting services. One of the reasons they reach out is because they assume usability testing must be a complex, scientific process. As a result, they’d prefer to have an outside company conduct their usability tests.


Writing for the web

The fact that people scan when on the Web has little to do with length of text. The act of scanning, or glancing through and quickly examining headlines, subheadlines and other emphasized text, is not a substitute for reading: it’s merely the first step of reading. People scan quickly to find the good stuff…it’s the most efficient way to find it.

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Designing websites for kids

Designing websites and related media for kids presents plenty of opportunities for Web designers. Openings are available at many businesses and schools, as well as through parents and kids themselves, giving designers many ways to find work on electronic and print projects that appeal to kids. The types of work range from interface designs for video games to websites for birthday parties.